Mad Men


BRYANT, James (2010) The Fashion File: ‪Advice, Tips, and Inspiration from the Costume Designer of Mad Men. Grand Central Publishing.

CARVETH, R., SOUTH J.B (2010) Mad Men and Philosophy: Nothing Is as It Seems. John Wiley & Sons.

CASCAJOSA, Concepción, GARCÍA REQUENA, Jesús, y otros (2010) Guía de Mad Men: reyes de la Avenida Madison. Capitán Swing.

DEAN, Will (2012) The Ultimate Guide to Mad Men: ‪The Guardian Companion to the Slickest Show on Television. Guardian Books.

GELMAN, J., ZHEUTLIN, P. (2011) The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook: ‪Inside the Kitchens, Bars, and Restaurants of Mad Men. BenBella Books.

HELLER, Steven (2012) Mid- century Ads: Advertising from the Mad Men era. La publicidad gráfica estadounidense en las décadas de 1950 y 1960. Taschen.

MAAS, James (2012) Mad Women: la otra cara de la vida en Madison Avenue. Lumen.

MALONEY, Ralph (2012) How to Drink Like a Mad Man (Dover Humor) Dover Publications.

MOE, Dyna (2010) Mad Men: the ilustrated world. USA: Penguin Group.

NEWMAN, Stephanie (2012) Mad Men on the Couch: Analyzing the Minds of the Men and Women of the Hit TV Show. St. Martin's Griffin.

STERLING, Roger (2010) Sterling's Gold: Wit and Wisdom of an Ad Man. Grove Press.

VARGAS-COOPER, Natasha (2010) Mad Men Unbuttoned: ‪A Romp Through 1960s America. HarperCollins.

Errata Naturae (ed) (2015) Mad Men o la frágil belleza de los sueños de Madison Avenue


BUSTOS, Jorge (octubre 2012) Don Draper o la conquista de la moral. Jot Down, número 2, p.138.

LÓPEZ DE LAMADRID, Claudio (octubre 2012) Meditaciones en una emergencia. Don Draper y Frank O´Hara. Jot Down, número 2, p. 278.

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